
Please note that all information provided is kept private and confidential

Legal Name
Name you go byif different from legal name
Date of birthday/month/year
Addressstreet, city, postal or zip code
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Phone Numberto best reach you
Can you be contacted by text?
Is it ok to leave a phone message?
Is it ok to leave an email message?
Emergency Contactname and relationship with them
Phone Numberemergency contact
Current Relationship Statusif you are in a relationship(s)
Years with current partnerif applicable
How did you find this service?internet, referral, friend, etc.
Have you sought out general counseling, therapy or coaching before?
If you plan couple/relationship therapyplease state their name(s)
If you plan couple/relationship therapyplease state their name(s)
What do you think would be a helpful/unhelpful therapy, counselling or coaching experience?
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If you are being treated by a medical or mental health health provider for a related health matterprovide their name and related issues being addressed
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Please list any medications / herbs / supplementsprovide conditions being treated, dosing and side effects (if any)
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Please share any chronic or acute health matters that can have an effect on your health or relationship(s)share as much as you feel comfortable
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What are your therapy / counseling / coaching hopes and goals?share as much as you feel comfortable
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Is there anything in particular that is important to know about you?share as much as you feel comfortable
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Have you read the Fee, No Show, Cancellation Policy?I agree with all policies stated https://reecemalone.com/policies
Have you read the Limits of Confidentiality Policy?I understand the limits of confidentiality https://reecemalone.com/policies
Have you read the Informed Consent for Phone and Online Video Sessions Policy?I understand the informed consent for phone and online video policies https://reecemalone.com/policies
I acknowledge that electronic communication (email/texting) is not 100% secure. My initials is my consent to being contacted electronicallyplease add your initials