
Sexism affect men’s sex lives too

We don't talk enough about how sexism affects men's lives. The idea of 'toxic masculinity' is a real thing and if we can move more into 'heathier masculinity' or 'empowered masculinity' or even 'compassionate masculinity', not only do we free ourselves from cultural expectations, we become more confident, more empowered in who we are, and better lovers. The impact of sexism on men's sex life can be complex and nuanced. It's important to note that sexism can show up in [...]

“It’s hardwired for men to not cry.”

Flying from Montreal to Toronto, I was fresh from co-delivering a training to counselors and therapists on issues related to gender identity and gender expression. As I was sitting next to a new mother holding her 5-month baby I overheard her speaking with her 8-year-old son: Son:       Mom, girls cry about <inaudible> and boys cry too, but not as much. Mom:    Anyone can cry; boys and girls. But as boys grow older it’s hardwired for men to not cry. I [...]