Sexual Dynamics

The Throes of Limerence

From the song Crazy Little Thing Called Love by Queen “She drives me crazy, she gives me hot and cold fever, then she leaves me in a cool cool sweat.”   Consider these three scenarios: Scenario 1: “I can’t stop thinking about her. She occupies my mind and I get easily distracted at work and at home. I replay in my mind our sexual encounters and every time he messages me, I get butterflies and my stomach feels like it’s in my throat. [...]

Compromise vs. Sacrifice: How healthy is my relationship?

When individuals share with me that they're feeling unfulfilled, we being the process of exploring not necessarily the relationship itself, but who the client is in within the context of the relationship. In other words, “Who are you as an intimate and sexuality being, what your relationship history, and what are your relationship values and principles within the context of a romantic or intimate relationship.” This is where clients get a bit stuck. Within the nature of romantic and intimate relationships [...]

COVID-19 and Sex. Do we keep having sex?

With the novel coronavirus, clients have shared with me their worries and fears about their own health, the health of their children, as well as the health of their aging loved ones. Media sensationalism, conspiracy theories and perceived lack of transparency from leadership have only served to amplify these worries and sense of helplessness. For those who experience overwhelm and anxiety the idea of contagiousness can worsen their mental health or evoke a panic response. While some people may [...]